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Monday, March 14, 2016

NEW EVENT: At Last…Spider-Ham!

Finally!!  A new character release event, and it is Spider-Ham. Rejoice, pig lovers!  And other nice trolling event title from GL here I see. Yes, we have waited too long.  But is it worth it?


This is hot dog collection grinder, requiring you to collect 4000 knuckle, chin and knee sandwiches. In exchange for picking up all those delicacies we get only five progress rewards, instead of the usual seven.  These are 25 raw ISO, seven crushing combos, an inventory slot and 200 vials.  Those vials seem to be missing a 0.  All adds up to just 75 ISO worth of prizes, the lowest we have seen for a month (daily flash events not included). SO not great on that front.  But more events and less prizes may

If you have a decent buff of x10, you should be able to finish this in three Great Runs or five decent attempts.  Gives us a Fanguide Event Score of 11, which is far better than the 3 scored by We Had a Deal, but really pretty poor.

There's nothing that can help you out, other than buffing up as best you can.


The Leaderboard is a hot dog collection GRIND.  Despite what it says at the top of the event screen, it’s not high score, it’s collection Grind.  Not enough players in my board yet to tell whether it truly is the promised 3000 players, or if it’s going to go over 10,000 again.

This is a genu(sw)ine new character release.  The grind will be on to win and the top spots get:

x3 Spider-Ham & 60 ISO for the top 3
x 1 Spider-Ham & 40 ISO for 04-10
Event Portal & 40 ISO for 11-100

Nice big band for that third range at least, and the next 300 players also get an event portal. So the leaderboard rewards look good for this – but ONLY IF the leaderboard is actually 3000 players.


A rare event with two Titans as buff cards, although the honour of highest goes to Legendary 2099 pig.  Buffs affect both the progression and leaderboard ranking.

Legendary Spider-Ham 2099 x 7
Legendary Pork Grind x 5
Titan Swiney Girl x 5
Titan Peter Parker x 4


This portal is ok. At 60 ISO, it is too expensive. At least the two Titans come at 4*, but it has an epic in it. 60 ISO for a chance at an epic is unacceptable.  AND - Lololol. Gwen again.  Maybe I will try and max out my 6th one, just for fun.  Seriously though. Three pigs / two 4* Titans and two duff cards is great, but 60 ISO is 20 too many.

Go hog wild. Eat the hotdogs. Win a swine.

Yum yum.

- Goatmeat

DAILY FLASH: Arachnid Monday!

Another slight tweak to the Daily events, as the progression for this is reduced to 900 diamonds instead of 1000 and the final progression has been reduced from VIP to Event portal.  This reduces the total value down from to 142 to 107 ISO worth of progression, and an Event Score of 67, assuming you have a couple of buffs up your sleeve


Leaderboard is 24-hour collection GRIND for severely reduced prizes, to fewer players at the top spots. This is ludicrously mean of GL. What is the point of nerfing this so hard?  Top 3 don’t even get two event portal pulls.

If you can be bothered to grind this instead of the pig event, you are playing for:

Top 3 – Event portal & 30 ISO (down from VIP & 65 ISO)
4–10 – Event Portal (down from VIP portal & 35 ISO for 4-25 players)
11-100 – Premium Portal Premium portal & 25 ISO

Not amused by that I’m afraid.


Your buffs for today are changed from last week. Little shuffle around of the multipliers, and out goes Uncommon Last Stand, back comes Legendary Cosmic. Good, because I still need him.

Legendary Cindy Moon x7
Legendary Ultimate Jessica Drew x6
Legendary Cosmic x4
Legendary 1602 x3


The portal is  pretty cool. The best thing about the event.  A lot of not very common spiders in there, so that's good.

Conclusion: Why nerf it?

- Goatmeat

Friday, March 11, 2016

NEW EVENT: Jackpot

Another Fanguide-prompted event!  So, of course, we like the idea of this – leaderboard only for big prizes is great. We would have preferred a 24-hour event, since there are no other rewards on offer, and we would have preferred more players to be able to win big. But it’s still a good idea, and the three days gives everyone a chance to get a couple of runs in, so it makes sense. More importantly, it is something different - but even more importantly are the fatal flaws of the Mysterio glitch and 10,000+ player leaderboard.


The text says it is all about Rings, but it is not – this is another Distance BLITZer

It means there are two distance events on at the same time. That's six in two weeks?  Distance is the new Enemy (pun intended).

A leaderboard-only event with big rewards is cool. Only giving them to 3 people is not so cool. Even worse, is the fact that this is another broken leaderboard event, with at least 10,000 players in it. SO the intention was to give the top prizes to 0.1% of players, but it is more like 0.03%. Which is shocking.

Top prizes:

1 – 500 ISO
2 – 250 ISO
3 – 125 ISO

The rest of the players in the top 3000 get a handful of consumables and vials, but the vast majority of people will receive nothing at all.


Sadly, this is another pay-to-win event, with no portal and the highest buff, by huge margin, is available only as purchase. No portal.  Really not cool.  I just got the pop-up (of course) £23 for 3 Dusk. This no-portal-pay-only buffing has to stop.  I get that the company want to make money, but put the buffs in a portal and up for sale so people have the option. There has to be a portal too, even if the % is really low, because no one likes pay to win.  It’s what shady companies do, not supposedly legit ones.

The huge flaw with this event though, is that it contains many Mysterio bosses, and is therefore possible to glitch it. Everything we have said above is completely undermined by this flaw.  The fact that the x8 buff can only be obtained through cash purchase, and still cannot guarantee a win,. because people cheating with the Mysterio glitch will steal it from them.  This is very troubling, as the developers well know of the Mysterio glitch, yet they have made a pay-to-play event winnable by the cheats. Very shady.

In conclusion – yeah, love the idea of huge prizes for a leaderboard only run….but the rest of it really hasn’t worked out too well.  One for the glitches, exclusively.

- Goatmeat