Fanguide Sponsors

Friday, March 11, 2016

NEW EVENT: Jackpot

Another Fanguide-prompted event!  So, of course, we like the idea of this – leaderboard only for big prizes is great. We would have preferred a 24-hour event, since there are no other rewards on offer, and we would have preferred more players to be able to win big. But it’s still a good idea, and the three days gives everyone a chance to get a couple of runs in, so it makes sense. More importantly, it is something different - but even more importantly are the fatal flaws of the Mysterio glitch and 10,000+ player leaderboard.


The text says it is all about Rings, but it is not – this is another Distance BLITZer

It means there are two distance events on at the same time. That's six in two weeks?  Distance is the new Enemy (pun intended).

A leaderboard-only event with big rewards is cool. Only giving them to 3 people is not so cool. Even worse, is the fact that this is another broken leaderboard event, with at least 10,000 players in it. SO the intention was to give the top prizes to 0.1% of players, but it is more like 0.03%. Which is shocking.

Top prizes:

1 – 500 ISO
2 – 250 ISO
3 – 125 ISO

The rest of the players in the top 3000 get a handful of consumables and vials, but the vast majority of people will receive nothing at all.


Sadly, this is another pay-to-win event, with no portal and the highest buff, by huge margin, is available only as purchase. No portal.  Really not cool.  I just got the pop-up (of course) £23 for 3 Dusk. This no-portal-pay-only buffing has to stop.  I get that the company want to make money, but put the buffs in a portal and up for sale so people have the option. There has to be a portal too, even if the % is really low, because no one likes pay to win.  It’s what shady companies do, not supposedly legit ones.

The huge flaw with this event though, is that it contains many Mysterio bosses, and is therefore possible to glitch it. Everything we have said above is completely undermined by this flaw.  The fact that the x8 buff can only be obtained through cash purchase, and still cannot guarantee a win,. because people cheating with the Mysterio glitch will steal it from them.  This is very troubling, as the developers well know of the Mysterio glitch, yet they have made a pay-to-play event winnable by the cheats. Very shady.

In conclusion – yeah, love the idea of huge prizes for a leaderboard only run….but the rest of it really hasn’t worked out too well.  One for the glitches, exclusively.

- Goatmeat

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